About Science Adventures UK

Embarking on a Journey of Discovery with Science Adventures since 2013

In the vibrant landscape of educational comics, "Science Adventures" crafted its own niche as Singapore's first home-grown science comic magazine for children, making its debut in January 2013. Born from a rich legacy of spreading scientific knowledge and excitement among young readers, our science comic magazine represents a beautiful amalgamation of enthralling storytelling, captivating graphics, and authentic science information.

Global Reach, One Story at a Time

Our adventures have not been confined to Singapore's borders. "Science Adventures" has transcended geographical limits, extending our unique blend of entertaining and educational content to young readers in various corners of the globe. From Hong Kong to Australia, and other Asia countries, our comics have fueled the curiosity and imagination of children, exploring scientific phenomena through engaging narratives and vibrant visuals.

A New Chapter in the United Kingdom

In 2021, we turned a new page, bringing "Science Adventures" to the children of the United Kingdom. In this new chapter, we aspire to ignite the flame of learning and curiosity in young British minds, offering them a universe where science and stories collide to create endless possibilities and adventures.

Our dedication to nurturing curiosity, fostering learning, and fueling imagination in children propels our mission. "Science Adventures" is not merely a magazine; it's a voyage where young minds traverse through the enchanting realms of science and imagination, exploring, discovering, and learning in a world where knowledge meets fun.

Join us on this incredible journey, where every page turned is a new adventure, and every adventure is a step closer to understanding the fascinating world of science.

Contact Us

 -> Email: hello@scienceadventures.co.uk